Monday, February 6, 2012


When discussing the use and behavior of product or object it ascetically comes down to two various: function versus style. In other words, what or how something works versus the technique used to accomplish that. when observing two random couples from as a third party perspective, there are many aspects of use and behavior you can visually see in peoples interactions and body language with one another. 

            The first couple I observed were what looked like to be two college students. They were sitting across one an other in a Starbucks having a conversation. The first 20 actions I picked up were:
  1. The guy rested his elbows in the table and put his hands around his neck
  2. The girl started using her hands as gestures as she was speaking
  3. The guy then puts his hands down on to the table
  4. He then shrugs
  5. He then puts his hands on his tighs
  6. Crossed his legs
  7. The girl begins to play with her left earring
  8. He guy shakes his head from side to side
  9. Girl starts waving her foot
  10. Guy begins to use his hands as he speaks
  11. Girl begins listing things by using her fingers
  12. She then uses her hand to shrug
  13. The girl twists her watch
  14. The girl used quotation marks
  15. Guy has hid hand on his face listening to the girl as she talks
  16. He then checks his phone
  17. The girl then reaches to her bag on the floor and checks her phone was well
  18. Guy looks at his clock
  19. The girl begins to play with her earring again
  20. The girl begins to laugh as she makes a point/statement
After listing these twenty items I started predicting some conclusions. I think these two people are students and they are friends who are discussing or brainstorming an idea for either a class project of some sort. They way they were interacting with each other gave off a very formal vibe which led me to the assumption that they are not very well acquainted. Even though there was no laptops or papers on the table, just by the way they interacted and their body language towards one another, I could tell there was a little sense of awkwardness between them.

The second couple I observed where a guy and a girl that were definitely friends or becoming friends at least. They were also spotted in Starbucks however they were sitting next to each other. The details that I thought were significant were as follows:
  1. The guy has been shaking his foot ever since the girl sat down next to him
  2. There faces are close together (closer than usual when you are sitting next to somebody)
  3. The guy remains steady eye contact as the girl is speaking
  4. As she’s speaking, he leans in closer and laughs
  5. The guy beings to dance in his chair as the girl continues talking
  6. The girl begins to laugh and casually touches his arm
  7. The girl tilts her head and watches the guy as he speaks
  8. The guy starts to fidget with his hat but still remains eye contact
  9. They both nod their heads together
  10. The girl touches the guys arm again
  11. She then touches the guys watch
  12. The guy leans closer to show her his watch
  13. First time the guy uses his hands to talk
  14. Both raise their eyebrows together
  15. Followed by simultaneous laughter
  16. Their hands are on the table and get closer (almost touching)
  17. Guy puts his head down for a minute and girl rubs his back
  18. Their elbows begin to touch and remain touching
  19. The girl fixes her hair (ties it up again)
  20. Girl touches the guys arm for the third time
As I watched this couple converse I picked up the actions that I thought had a deeper meaning to them. The way they kept remaining steady eye contact really spoke a lot about them. There were no distractions from the outside world; they were conversing with one another in their own little bubble. They took turns speaking; it was a happy conversation because there was laughter and smiling. They were probably even flirting. I think they were at the point where they are getting to know each other or they can be old friends that were catching up after a while. The reason why I think there is some sort of romantic component involved was because of how they were acting towards one another. The guy was shaking his foot the entire time; that could be he was nervous-she made him nervous. The girl touched his arm several times without even realizing or making it seem wrong. She also fixed her hair even though it was perfectly fine. As a girl, I can tell you first hand that that definitely meant that she cared what she looked like in front of him. It was really nice observing them and picking up on the small gestures that have the biggest meanings. 

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